Sh. Bhuvneshwar
Assistant Professor
PROGRAMME - B.A Honours in Sanskrit (HPU)
Sanskrit is a very rich language of india.It is a medium to know about ancient Indian history, culture, religion,social life through its text.The academic programmes of Sanskrit courses are desinged to enhance not only professional skill but also develop a deep understanding of rich heritage and dynamic scenario india through various Sanskrit taxts.
- PSO1: Develop a strong concept of ancient Indian history ,philosophy and literature.
- PSO2: Enhance communication skill-liseting ,speaking ,reading,writing.
- PSO3: Practice of taxtual analysis of Sanskrit and vedic Sanskrit texts endows them to develop a critical perspective to assess existing reaserch through careful reading ,anelysis and discussion.
- PSO4: Reasonable understanding of multi-disciplinary relevance of literature of Sanskrit like vedas,upnishadas,grammar ,kavyashastras etc.
- PSO5: After graduation students can apply in the field of teaching (shastri,tgt,school lecturer ,pgt) , upsc,has,and translator.
Course Outcomes:
Under graduate course for Sanskrit Programme (CBCS).
Core course 12 paper of 6 cradits each.
B.A 1st Year Courses
DSC courses : Sanskrit kavya code 101,Sanskrit gadhya kavya code 102.
SKT/MIL dsc 103: niti sahitya.( Classical Sanskrit literature)
It intends to give an understanding of literature,through which students will be able to:
- CO1:Appreciate the development of Sanskrit literature.
- CO2:Negotiate texts independently with grammatical analysis and poetic excellence.
- CO3:Acquainted with the work ;Raghuvansham,and kumarsambhavam of great poet kalidasa ,shishupalvadham of shri harsha ,nitishatkam of bhartrihari ,shuknashopdesh(Kadambari)of banbhatta and shivrajvijyam of ambikaduttvyas.
- CO4:Know about origin and development of different tyeps of mahakavyas ,gadhyakavyas and geetikavyas.
Compulsory courses /aecc -104 :Upnishad Shrimadbhagvadgeeta Paniniyashiksha.
Students would be able to understand:
- CO1.Congnitive and Emotive apparatus.
- CO2.Philosphy of self -management in the geeta through controlling the mind.
- CO3.Self management in the geeta through devotion .
- CO4.Ishavsopnishada and paninia shiksha in world literature.
B.A 2nd year Courses
SKT-DSC 201 Sanskrit natak(classical Sanskrit drama)
Students would be able to learn:
- CO1:The inner structure of Sanskrit drama by themselves.
- CO2:The famous drama of abhigyanshakuntlam of kalidasa and karnbharam of bhasa with a view to giving knowledge of ancient Indian dramatic system.
- CO3:Origin and development of Sanskrit drama.
SKT-DSC 202,203 Sanskrit Grammer (Laghusidhantkaumudi)
Students would be able to understand:
- CO1:The system of Traditional grammer.
- CO2:Sanskrit vocabulary and grammatical construction.
- CO3:Sangya prakaran ,sandhi,karak prakaran according to lagusidhantkaumudi
- CO4:Analysis of Paninian Grammer.
- CO5:Students would be able to write an essay in Sanskrit ,and their language skill will be developed.
SEC-1 SKT/AEEC-205 ayurved ke mul sidhant
SEC-2 SKT/AEEC-206 sanskrit chhand evam gyan
B.A 3rd Year Courses
SKT-DSC301 vyaktitav vikas ka Bhartiya drishitikon
Students will be able to know:
- CO1:Sanskrit from the very beginning.
- CO2:Bhakti yoga ,gun tray of Gita.
- CO3:Self -management in the gita through devotion.
SKT-DSC302 Sahityak samalochna (Poetics and literary criticism)
Students would be able to know :
- CO1:Sanskrit poetics includes concepts like Shabda-shakti ,kavya lakshan ,kavya prayojna ,hetu,rasa ,dhvani etc.
- CO2:The entire domin of Sanskrit poetics such as definition of poetry and purpose of poetry.
- CO3:Division and functions of word and meaning .
SEC-3 SKT-AEEC -301 Bhartiya rangshala
SEC-4 SKT-AEEC 302 vastushokhyam
GE-1 SKT-GE-303 patanjjal yogsutras
Concept of yoga :Restriction of fluctuations by practice(abhyasa) and passionlessness as well as methods of improving behavior dhyan yoga ,karma yoga ,bhakti yoga .
GE-2 SKT-GE-304 bhasha vigyan (Sanskrit linguistics)
Students will be able to comparision and classification of diffrant languages,comparision of laukik and vedic Sanskrit .